Speed Up Your Curezone Experience
Would you like CureZone pages to load much faster?
Are you tired of seeing the same text ads again and again?
Then keep reading.
It is your choice now!
To speed-up CureZone, you can opt to remove parts of CureZone pages like:
- text ads
- different headers
- different footers
- disclaimer info
- and any other information that is identical and repeated on almost all pages.
On this page:
you select: Edit Your Account
which brings you to:
There you can check or uncheck next boxes:
Hide Advertisers ads
Slim Pages
Extra Slim Pages
After you update changes, CureZone pages will look different! And will load much faster!
If you don't like the new look, you can reverse all changes, or only opt to remove text ads or to slim pages.
All options are reversible.
Those changes will increase your surfing speed.
I hope this helps.
best of health