When painting iodine, 88% of it evaporates and only 12% is absorbed into the body. However it does help especially when painting nipples for fibrocystic breast disease. Always apply coconut oil after the Iodine to help prevent dermatitis.
You need to take 100mg Lugols a day. Also with ALL the co-supplements or Iodine won't work. 200mcg selenium is essential to prevent thyroid problems. The REAL salt, magnesium, Vit C, B2 & B3 are required to get Iodine into your cells & toxins out. http://tinyurl.com/Iodine-Handout
You should also monitor your body pH. If your urine pH is below 6.5, then you need to raise your pH level toward 7.2 so that your body can absorb the vitamins & minerals that you are taking: http://www.iconperformanceonline.com/?p=3678