Female hormones are critically dependent on iodine. Hormones in the woman originate in the ovaries, and ovaries require iodine to function properly:
* Our body requires both iodide (SSKI) AND iodine (lugols or iodoral)
Iodide (SSKI) is preferred by the following:
* Lungs
* Thyroid needs 3% prefers iodide
* Skin needs 20% and prefers iodide
* Salivary Glands prefer iodide
Iodine (Lugols) is preferred by the following:
* Muscles (650mg) and fat needs(700mg iodine) 70%
* Breast tissue needs 3-5 mg / day minimum and prefers iodine
* Prostate prefers iodine
* Stomach prefers iodine
* Ovaries prefer iodine
kidneys, spleen, liver, blood, & intestines can use either form
The entire body stores 1500 mg 1.5 gm total
"It’s no secret that iodine plays an important role in hormone production and has a special relationship with the thyroid. What’s discussed much less is that, for women, the ovaries contain the second highest concentration of iodine in her body (behind the thyroid). [1] Thus, it goes without saying that maintaining normal iodine levels is a must for promoting the health of the ovaries. This importance is compounded as research has linked iodine deficiency to polycystic ovary syndrome, also known as PCOS."
Much more here: http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/iodine-polycystic-ovary-syn...
For much more Google search Ovaries Iodine or Hormones Iodine.
I suggest always using protection unless you are willing to get pregnant. It is sometimes difficult to know when an egg is formed.