Re: Coffee Enema DURING Flush?
I don't know. Dr.Kelley has it scheduled before you take the ES before your flush.
Hour 2 -> Optional, but always to be used if "stomach cramps" should occur during the liver flush. (This is rare when using
Epsom Salts . Cramps would indicate that stones are lodged in, and blocking liver ducts.)
However, this step is very beneficial in ALL cases, to stimulate the liver's release of waste and bile.
Begin with several plain, warm-
water enemas - then follow with a 4 cup ORGANIC COFFEE enema.
Use 1 Table-spoon (1/2 oz.) coffee per cup, drip-filtered. Dissolve 1/2 cup (4 oz.)
Epsom Salts into the hot coffee, then cool the coffee down to 98 - 100 degrees F. (body temperature) before using. (You can rapidly cool the pan in a sink of cold water.) Retain the
coffee enema for 10 - 15 minutes, while relaxing in a reclining position on a floor mat.