this is all off memory as it was nearly 10 months ago! i did a total of about 5.5 months of imuran... i did the first 6 weeks at 50 mg... then stepped it up for 4 weeks to 75mg... then after about 3 months i did 1 day 100mg next day 125mg till the end.... unfortunately for me it didnt work i thought nearly 6 months was more then suffiecient... i did moisturize once or twice a day... i was gently removeing build up... the problem with me is my inner lips build up quick and literally every night when i sleep they get sticky and like kind of disattach from the lips and stick to my teeth.... i pressume once the lips start to clear the sticky stuff on teeth should stop! also sirpies are you saying there is now a third person on facebook that has cleared on imuran? after 8 months???????????? good luck and get us posted! ill keep eye on forum for your updates! cheers mate