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O3, Negative Ions and CZ
vairagi Views: 1,883
Published: 11 y
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O3, Negative Ions and CZ

Ozone, Negative Ions: different.

The unusual odor associated with Ozone geneators and apparantly also the sharper image 'air cleaner', reveals an increased level of Ozone saturation in the air and conventional understanding is that it can damage components of lung tissue.

If Newport's comment(just a bit rough) that it is safe, and is based on a completely different understanding, that the effects Corey experienced are cellular congestion overload related, then this may explain the reports that allready comprimized lung sufferers experiences w O3.

However if the conventional research, being a more indepth investigation is correct and Newports assumption is based on the recovery of subjects after removal from experimentation, than the continued O3 - Ozone exposure of the lung tissue pathways would be more significantly dangerous than he implies.

(since all sources are suspect till proven otherwise and many group gettogethers, like CZ, are basicly organised ignorance, we need to be smart since great help info can be mixed in with great hinderance info.)

The other is that Negative Ions are what u were hearing about at Niagra. Moving water produces negative ions, considered very healthy.(and this plays into the alternative ideas that the magnetic fields polaristic activites can and should be considered when attempting to understand things.)

Negative ion generators and ozone generators, both are good additions to our instruments of health.

BTW The simple Ozone generators besides producing the powerfull healthy Oxygen, are superb for elminating unwanted odors by manipulating the scent molecules. (they clean air by causing the particulate matter to fall out. Of course different than the S Image electrostatic design. I appreciated the S I unit also for the slight breeze it created.)


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