Rosemary Jacobs is one of the better known cases. And while there's no denying that the treatments helped, though I'd also point out that these were very destructive in nature(see: skin dermabrasion ).
However, I'm of the impression that this isn't likely the only option. In fact, I've decided to prepare some callegen samples to see if I can't replicate the condition and/or reverse it via the chemical method or decomposition.
That being said, I think you'll find many people on Curezone are hyper sensitive to all Argyria related discussions. Though I personally never believed this is the way to go given that the potential for the condition still exists today and that we have more recent cases from what we'd now call "properly made Colloidal Silver solutions".
Whatever the case, I find this subject to be both a fascinating and highly important for those of us considering long term exposure to Colloidal Silver .