Thats a possibility too. I don't cough up a whole lot... maybe once or twice in the morning sometimes... it kind of just rattles around in there. What I was coughing up was pretty innocent looking, nothing out of the ordinary until that today. There was no mucous though... I just coughed and instinctively spit and there it was. I didn't eat anything yet either because I wanted to do ivermectin again today (no strong reaction like yesterday, just mild flare up). And it's hard to judge because when you're in worm mode, everything looks like a worm. I can look at a tile on my floor and see a worm. It's probably just a lung boogers and I'm thinking its worms. Unless I see more, i probably shouldn't mention it. I would love to figure out the connection with why my body is responding like I'm having allergies. I get itchy everywhere but it goes away and its not worm crawling itchy, but allergy itchy.