20 mule team borax! I add just a pinch and shake it up. Last night I did one and after a minute I couldn't hold it anymore and I had like 7 or 8 but they were covered in poop so just looked like a normal BM. I have never gone that much in my life.. where did it all come from?!? All I've been eating the last few days were raw broccoli & ranch, orange juice and granola bars.
The bad news is, I started ivermectin yesterday because I feel sooo close to beating this and I didnt want to leave it go until my albenza came. My throat and lungs were on fire until about 11 last night and I felt like death. Thats sad because that means its far from over. Like 10 minutes ago I coughed up something that looks like a pinworm?? Very small like uncooked rice. Strongyloids aren't white?? I'm gonna have big daddy take a look when he gets up and I'll get a pic. Its going to the lab tomorrow. I can't stand looking at it or the thought it came from my mouth.