CK! Have you ever tried a borax enema? I read that people use it in the bath for skin parasites... so I figured why not in an enema? I mixed it the other day (literally a pinch in a disposable 4.5oz saline) and figured I'd get around to it eventually. Then tonight, as predicted because this happens almost every night around 1 am, I felt the wiggle... so I figured I'd see if i could quick flush the bastard out... i held it maybe a minute until I felt the weird bubbling or detaching feeling so that was too freaky... I ran to the bathroom and there comes a rope with roots! I never had one like that before or after regular saline, saline with eucalyptus oil, ginger essential oil, Dawn dish liquid etc. So, if that can produce a rope with roots in a minute, it might be worth trying?
20 Mule Team borax.