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Re: Something That puzzles me.
ChaztheMeatHead Views: 713
Published: 11 y
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Re: Something That puzzles me.

Yeah I agree. I try not to use the word "he" when referring to God, but sometimes I just write it because it's easier and more acceptable to the people in here.

I think it goes back to the time when the books in the Bible were written. Like Rainy or Refreshed pointed out, women weren't allowed to speak in some churches back then. And I think they weren't allowed to preach or teach "the word" back then either. But it was a male dominated world back then. If it wasn't for that, God may have been a woman or both sexes like you mentioned. And the Bible basically says God doesn't recognize any of the human classifications or definitions. In my opinion anyway.

But as for me, I don't see God as male or female. I believe God is above or beyond all that. God is not any part of that. Male and female were God's creations. If I invent a clock, that doesn't make me any part of the clock. I believe it's the same with God. You can't be your own creation. But God has put that spark of Gods essence in everyone and everything.

I believe God does have a father attribute though. And it could be said God has a mother attribute too. God basically conceived and birthed us.

I think all that is beside the point though. The point is, God has that parenting attribute. God cares for each if us like a parent that loves their child, is what matters.


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