Iodine Candida Die Off Testimonial
Msg from Candidgut:
"I have Candida and Hypothyroid.
I have been taking Iodoral
Iodine at 100mg a day for almost two weeks. I had a pretty bad runny nose at first, but that had gotten under control, and nothing I couldn't handle.
Yesterday I decided to try some 5%
Lugol's and within about 8 hours I had some of the worst die-off I've ever experienced. Horrible headache, nausea, really terrible.
I finally took some activated charcoal and got things under control.
My point is that while the two forms of
Iodine may be functionally identical, in practice, if you have Candida, they may not be. I believe the
Lugol's painted my GI tract and killed a bunch of the Candida, which is good, but it was at an unmanageable rate for my body."
Then Ginagirl Responded,
"I only used Lugols, had hypo T and candida. If Iodoral worked better for you, I recommend keep doing it.
But I also took a bunch of borax, daily for a full year; this way I managed to get the candida under control, while
Iodine etc took care of the hypo T.
Gina Continues,
Borax is a controversial remedy; I get quite a few PMs about it, usually about dosage/ how to take it / where to buy the right stuff etc. Here are som Facts;
Boron content of Borax is approx 11 %
I have tried 3 kinds, one from pharmacy, one a la Mule Team and one from a chemical supplier; I could not tell the difference between those 3.
Borax is classified as a chemical, but it is usually a mined product;
The rest of the Borax Story with links here:
I have logged in MANY more Candida CURES using iodine at our Testimonials, Chapter Candida.
There are so many more Candida Cure buried in the message pile that it will take me weeks or more to find them all.
Iodine works to kill off Candida because it displaces the toxins of fluoride, bromide & chlorine that had displaced iodine from our cells. Iodine is the BIG GUN that our immune system uses to attack & kill fungus, cancer & disease, just as God intended.
Iodine also replaces the toxins in our thyroid cells so our thyroid can restore our proper metabolism. (body temp).
Low body temp & low thyroid is a major factor in Candidiasis.
More on iodine:
More on Candida
Best to all,