I want to try the parasite cleanse as it seems it's linked to a lot of my issues and candida. I haven't had tests for it but don't plan to do it long if there's any issues I'll stop.
I haven't ruled out Liver Flushes or enemas completely but just want to try something more mild at first. I have never done any cleanses whatsoever and when I first got EC took tons of Antibiotics for nearly a year looking for a cure, I knew no better. So I just want try these cleanses for a few weeks to a month then take it from there. I have read and am hoping that they can help in fighting off a candida die off which I feel like I have after taking kefir for a few months and eating better. I no longer crave Sugar and go regularly after the probiotics but am brain foggy, itchy, and get headaches. Good points by everybody though thanks for the suggestions.