Re: What is Bentonite? What is montmorillonite?
Hi Jmamelia,
I would be pleased to
'Drop The Dime'
on those that need it because that is my old nature.
However I am new here but I really Likes what I see
so far and was afraid to mention any names.
Since you did let's dive into what
earthslivingclay ... com
has to say.
That site and their 'Drinkable'
Green Clay supplier
(according to
Earth's Living Clay is)
greenclays .. com
They are perfect examples of what I feel may be a threat
to my young impressionable Grandchildren.
To begin the website says:
Are Your Clays Tested for Lead?
All of the edible clays we’ve seen tested – including our own - have trace amounts of lead.
However, it is commonly assumed by reputable naturopaths that the lead is not bioavailable,
and simply
exits with the clay
via the colon.
We have seen individuals who have existing lead toxicity not only use clay, but also consume modified citrus pectin twice daily.
Many believe that individuals who are metal-sensitive or metal-toxic, are usually,
if not always, minerally depleted,
which is a factor that prevents the body from eliminating heavy metals.
A large percentage of people that buy our Drinking Powder do so for heavy metal detoxification.
There are reports of clay helping with this, including the reduction or elimination of lead in the body.
Based on these cases, it would seem that any trace amount of lead is indeed not bioavailable
(absorbable by the body).
Read the mineral analysis of our clays here.
Now the 'Bathing Clay'
does list some heavy metals among
the (few) 16 elements that it covers.
Antimony, Arsenic, Cadmium and Lead
are included.
Strange that they left Mercury out.
All 5 'Heavy Metals' are required to be
tested for in Canada or 'The Man'
may come to see you.
Here's the
'Drinking Clay Analysis'
My computer will not copy it.
Analysis List:
Silica Dioxide
Magnesium Oxide
Calcium Oxide
Aluminum Oxide
Potassium Oxide
Sodium Oxide
Titanium Oxide
Strontium Oxide
Manganese Oxide
Phosphorous Oxide
Barium Oxide
Chromium Oxide
15 lousy elements with
NO traditional heavy metals
listed and these people
stay in business ??
I consider this to be an insult
to anyone that can read.
Like I told the Lady
my $55 Manure Analysis
for the farm has more (18 elements)
and it has heavy metals
plus moisture.
Would this story ever work in places like Canada, Europe,
Australia, etc. ???
Like I told the Lady I have a 13 year old Granddaughter
that wants to suck this stuff down, bathe in it and go transdermal on her skin as well !!
Yet NO ONE will give me ANY Heavy Metals info.
It goes pretty deep.
Many Medical Doctors,
Professor's, etc. do not agree with the nice story.
I have over 50 years reading
the Lab Reports on water, soil, fertilizer, compost. manure, etc.
Just give me the data and I'll
make my own decisions on the product. I'm being told yes there is a problem but people will not understand.
Try me !!