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Re: Mouth ulcers after enema?(liver flukes?candida?)
journeytohealth Views: 2,151
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Re: Mouth ulcers after enema?(liver flukes?candida?)

The garlic enemas at the moment I am unable to hold for long because of cramping, so I'm unable to comment on the effectiveness of them as I'm yet to find out until I'm able to retain them for long enough.

The water enemas I find only help to cleanse you and flush everything out. Personally I feel the coffee works the best! For me it's definitely helped, if not almost cleared my seb derm on my scalp and outer corner of my eyebrow. I've been doing 3/4 coffee enemas daily with a break every now and again. So far I've only been doing it for around 2/3 weeks. I first do a warm water enemas and then 3 or 4 coffee enemas back to back which I try to retain for 15-20 minutes I also finish off with a water enema.

I did in fact try nystatin enemas and found that I just seemed to absorb them as they caused a lot of pain in my stomach like cramp and bloatedness. I also got what felt similar, (but more painful) to indigestion between my lungs! For me I felt it wasn't helping and decided it was best to listen to my body.

I take prebio7 probiotics from amazon that was suggested on here by another user. I take 4 of those capsules every morning with a minimum of 500ml of water, along with a b12 supplement.

Thank you for your response, I will switch to doing them first thing. I'm not that knowledgeable in regards to biofilm, so thankyou for the links you provided. If anyone can answer that question about biofilm then I would be very grateful.


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