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Thyroid labs and ultrasound results
b3nault Views: 1,328
Published: 11 y

Thyroid labs and ultrasound results

Thyroid Lab and Ultrasound results.


TSH: 1.66 mU/L (0.45-4.50)
T4 Free: 1.4 ng/dL (0.8-1.7)
TPO-aB: <10 IU/mL (<35)
T3 Free: 3.4 pg/mL (2.0-4.8)



There are mild heterogeneity of the thyroid echotexture, without increased vascularity. There are multiple scattered small colloid cysts bilaterally, measuring 5mm or less in size.


Enlarged, mildly heterogenous thyroid gland with multiple scattered small bilateral colloid cysts. No suspicious nodule.


Taking Lugols/ SSKI for about 2 years. Recently at least 100mg Lugols and 1 gram SSKI a day.

I went in for antifungals. Dr thought thyroid issues instead for my issues. So I went along with the tests.

I started Iodine because of painful cysts all over my testicles, and Iodine alleviates this pain. Now come to find out I also have cysts on my thyroid.

Dr. wants me to stop Iodine intake for 1 month and to retest, because of the enlarged thyroid and cysts. I never really had thyroid tests done before, besides the basic TSH I believe (which was within range). I will go through my records when I get home and see if I have previous numbers to compare.

Who's not to say the iodine has prevented my thyroid from becoming more serious?



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