Pray through it that's what i do. Brokenness is not regulated to misfortune of disappointment. Brokenness is the opportunity to mature in Christ. You went through the misery and i believe that god is going to give you that moment of healing that you are longing for if you believe.You have the the opportunity to run into your destiny because you are here for a reason run and know that trouble dosent last always but faith without work is dead. Please pray against your suicidal thought as i will pray for you also. Killing yourself is not want he has in plan for you. You were put here for a reason and without you something in this world would be missing. If people decide not associate with you because of something that you cant control look at that as a blessing for those people would be of no benefit to your well being. But don't push ppl away i know its hard but don't. talk to someone if you cant im here. inbox, email anything