Re: India on its way to an antibiotic disaster
I'm sure i read this right, but i needed to do a double take.
At this point, with what just recently happened to me 11 antibiotic pills doesn't sound bad.
or 11 courses. but...
First I feel awful.. I havent taken an antibiotic since easily 2005- yeah- well I just pissed that away- badly.
So far no overt 'poisoning reactions' but I've I've learned anything with you Dr. Jeff, it's just how chronically these pharmaceuticals can domino affect your health!
UTI/ suspected STD, (finally 10 days later, the culture then confirmed gonorrhea) lead me to initially be prescribed 1 gram of Azithromycin, 10 days of 100mg's of Doxycyclin B.I.D. (total of 2grams), and lastly 2 separate injections of Ceftriaxone (one week apart)... all within a 2 week period.
So, I don't know just how toxic these are initially, aside from all the base knowledge I've learned (and am very thankful) from you.
(Not to try and instill new/more fear in myself Dr. Jeff, but...) How bad would you say that combo is for my already chronically sick body? [systemic fungal overgrowth easily 8 years, scoliosis starting (yes, def. started) 4 years ago, fatigue, digestion, the works...
I just felt- 'gee, I pretty much haven't gotten any strong beneficial bacteria in my body anyway (of course this is a very vague and amateur thought; I'm sure everyone has SOME good bacteria that can be wiped out with antibiotics) so what does it matter if i kill off some pathogenic.' I did allow myself to finally feel that (the symptoms of gonorrhea are obviously bad) if I took the antibiotics along with some supplements and probiotics, it could help lessen the blow.
Fungal overgrowth throughout the body, so the probiotics may or may not have helped any..
Any advise or conclusions would be appreciated as always. Thanks, Dr. McCombs.