Hey SUPER sorry for what is going on, i'm relatively new to this but I have had it about 8 months now too!
I have read and studied SEVERAL 1000 websites and you-tube videos in that time, and I know I have got super pissed at my girlfriend (Not violently to her just loud), because she says that it's all in my head! Ohhhhh realllllly!!! Now because I am psycho I can suddenly feel things crawling around in my skin and body?? DOUBT IT!! This is my answer to what I think is going on today.... http:// w w w. dataasylum. c o m/bioapi-physical-fibers-evidence.h t m l.
Now when you guys look at this know nano technology is really moving fast and the movie clips are meant to show you how they (Big Brother) show things in movies WAY before we even thought of it in some way shape or form.