I do not have Morgellons, but I’m just passing this on as an FYI. I was reading old posts on this Colloidal Silver forum and happened to find that the topic of Morgellons disease was briefly discussed about 6 weeks ago. I have read that it's thought to be caused by a bacteria or some sort of parasite, but Dr. Amin (a parasatolgy expert) has studied it and believes it's caused by bio-incompatible materials in the body (implanted in the mouth or other areas). He claims to have a very high success rate treating Morgellons for people that follow his protocol.
I first heard Dr. Amin on an internet radio program several weeks ago discussing parasites, and he also briefly talked about his research findings relating to Morgellons.
Dr Amin contends that implants made of bio-incompatible materials can cause Morgellons disease. He says what's incompatible to your body may not be to someone else, so these materials must be specifically tested. He believes dental implants are the most common culprits, but implants anywhere in the body could trigger it - such as titanium joint. He had a patient who suuffered a ski accident and underwent surgery to implant a titanium pin to fix it. The patient developed Morgellons, Dr Amin determined (through testing) that titanium was incompatible to her body, he told her to get the titanium removed and replaced with bio-compatible material - that solved her Morgellons. According to an interview he gave, he tests for bio-compatibility of all know dental materials through a lab in Colorado.
MORGELLONS (NCS) & Dr. Omar, M. Amin, Ph.D - Founder of PCI, Professor of Parasitology
Some references:
Parasitology Center, Inc. is the only facility in the world working with Neuro-cutaneous Syndrome (NCS) also known as Morgellons Disease which Dr. Amin recently described from patients experiencing dermatological abnormalities (elevated itchy skin sores that may develop into mucoid lesions) and neurological symptoms (movement, pin prick or crawling sensations) caused by toxic dental materials.
We provide a comprehensive and definitive diagnosis including blood bio-compatibility testing, among others, and design a management program for individual patients' rehabilitation. All patients fully complying with our 5-track protocol have invariably recovered. For more information about NCS, see links to relevant articles on our “Education” page. Neurocutaneous Syndrome (NCS), a newly discovered dental toxicity syndrome is characterized by neurological and dermatological disorders as well as systemic and related dysfunctions. Patients experience, among other symptoms, pin-prick movement sensations and itchy cutaneous lesions that may invite various opportunistic infections.
From a blog on Morgellons disease:
Aug 03, 2006 at 4:47 pm
You might consider contacting Dr. Omar M. Amin Ph. D. is a professor of Parasitology at Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona and the Director of the Institute of Parasitic Diseases (IPD) and it's Diagnostic and Educational Laboratory (DEL), Phoenix, Arizona. He is a recognized authority in the field of Parasitology with over 100 major scientific articles and books to his credit. He helped my mother heal when she came down with these symptoms. Contact Dr. Amin especially if you have had a lot of dental work done as with my mother. www.parasitetesting.com
Read more: http://blogcritics.org/scitech/article/morgellons-disease-a-new-illness-that/...
protocol designed by Dr. Omar Amin
Morgellons in Today’s World
While it is uncertain how many are suffering from the Morgellons symptoms, presently close to 13,000 families are registered with Morgellons.org. I had the condition myself (see Keleher, Joseph W.. "Hell and Back Again” Explore 17. 4 (2008), http://members.cox.net/llyee2/NCS_article_by_joe.pdf . (accessed August 12, 2008).), and followed the protocol designed by Dr. Omar Amin. The “bug” crawling sensations and other symptoms ended some time ago (although I get a slight electrical current-like sensation across the base of my feet on occasion). I will continue detoxifying for some time.
Dr. Amin’s studies suggest this condition (appropriately named Neurocutaneous Syndrome) is due to certain dental adhesives (see Amin, Dr. Omar. "Neurocutaneous Syndrome (NCS)” http://members.cox.net/llyee/ncs_diagnosis.htm. (accessed August 12, 2008)), but this would not account for the historic documentations.
Given the historically documented patterns discussed and the possibility of a mercury connection, further studies are needed. The symptoms described are similar to present day Morgellon’s symptoms and future research may determine whether the historically documented is the same as today’s.