That is exactly how I am. Very itchy when up and doing, then when I lay down it gets almost non-existent. The weird thing is, is that you can't see anything on my skin at all.
When I am really in hot weather, it gets soo bad. Mainly itchy on face, head, and middle of my back. Its awful. I Have had parasite herbs back to back so many times I can't count them, now trying methylation treatment. It may be allergies. Who knows? But I get really panicky and it gets worse to the point where I have to get away by myself. I use capsacian and lanacane on the itchy areas, which helps some. I have been tested for parasites but this is a crok....always comes back negative. I am going on humaworm soon. This seems to be a really potent anti parasitic. Also using my BCX ultra Rife machine to try to blast the buggers.