There are no "cures" for any of the symptoms of Candida/iodine deficiency. Doctors recommend expensive surgery for the deficiency diseases of Fibrocystic Breasts, PCOS, uterus fibroids where these are cured with iodine. Doctors recommend expensive drugs for thyroid, prostate, brain fog, asthma that are cured with iodine.
See our testimonials:
Bottom line is: they cure NOTHING but only care about treating symptoms. Treating symptoms=filled waiting rooms and lots of $$$. Curing the underlying disease = Losing $$$ & empty waiting rooms. Candida & iodine deficiency is a BONANZA for doctors & drug companies. Cure Candida? Cure Iodine Deficiency? Not a chance in hell. Cures for either will also destroy the $50 Billion Cancer Industry.
This video documentary tells it the way it is:
Everything I discuss in this forum is to boost the immune system, including LDN and iodine. Then when the immune system is healthy, it will learn to attack the Candida instead of our own body. This is like asking a doctor to cure rickets. He can't because the only cure is to replenish the missing vitamin that causes rickets.
As I see it, Candida and all of the Candida symptoms including Autoimmune Disease are the result of a VERY SICKLY immune system.
Here is the BIG DEAL. Where is MOST of our immune system located? It is located in the intestines, and that is what the antibiotics have destroyed! This is very simple. Antibiotics destroy our immune system. Now our primary focus should be on restoring the health of our immune system, and this requires iodine & an extremely nutritious diet with raw veggy smoothies. LDN will help.