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Re: Jujube Honey.! Candida Albicans biofilms..
dvjorge Views: 3,352
Published: 11 y
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Re: Jujube Honey.! Candida Albicans biofilms..

I am only trying to get attention from chronic candida sufferers about biofilms. Time ago, it wasn't clear if candida albicans and other species were able to form biofilms on mucosal tissues. Today, there is a lot of evidence about how candida fortify itself in a matrix to form colonies by itself or by mixing with other pathogens on mucosal tissues, including oral cavity and the vagina.
Inside biofilms, candida cells are protected by the matrix and most conventional antifungal therapies are ineffective. There isn't too much information about what is effective to disrupt fungal biofilms matrix. I think that knowing the matrix composition, we can find enzymes and substance that disrupt them. In fact, there are some products such as Interfase Plus that claim activity against candida biofilms. Carvacrol, present in Oregano Oil, has been documented as one substance with significant activity against mature candida biofilms. The best approach should be a combination of products that affect the biofilm matrix plus fungicidal antifungals. There are candida cases where it is necessary to cover all the avenues.


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