White shark that's all great and what not but where trying to cure this not find out what caused it currently I am now nearly 5 months into gluten free dairy free Sugar free(except fruit) I only drink water and orgainic coconut water take my pro biotics do detox methods and still nothing... No change just the constant cycle of 4-6 days and then peel then sticky white line on inside of lips were they touch... I just read about the guy who cured his lips through 6 months of diet and doing coffee enamas 5 times a week! What are your thoughts on enamas and also there millions of girls that use lip balm there whole life daily they don't get ec... I didn't pick bite or suck my lips much.. I did kiss my gf heaps but I doubt that would cause trauma... I would imagine keeping the lips moist would aid and speed up recovery rather then cause a problem for lips of course unless of an allergic reaction but doing the leave alone method should fix the problem but it doesn't...