Anyone tried the CDSA stool test? Insightful or a scam?
Although the technology has probably improved significantly, my physician ordered a CDSA for me almost 20 years ago through what is now
Genova Diagnostics, which was purchased in 2012 by
Metametrix. I was very sick at the time, as I had a severe die-off from a course of Nystatin after which I crashed. it became necessary to determine which pathogens had replaced the Candida Albicans. The test will identify those pathogens which are overgrown, or present in excess of normal quantities on a scale of 1+ through 4+, the latter being the most severe. My test came back with "Severe Dysbiosis" with 3+ and 4+ levels of Candida Parapsilosis, Staphylococcus Aureus, Psuedomonas Aeruginosa, and Strep Group B. These are some pretty nasty pathogens, some strains of which are antibiotic resistant. one of the recommended effective "natural" substances for use against these pathogens was
Tanalbit. Once I was well into my course of Tanalbit, I had developed enough energy to get out and start a running program. That was in 1997 and I've been running ever since.
I am in no way affiliated with either product. With the numerous products and protocols out there, I guess I got pretty lucky. In hindsight, it seems like a sensible approach.