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Re: IC question
GigiNL Views: 1,144
Published: 11 y
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Re: IC question

Dear 27 y.o. I can only tell you what has been a miracle for my IC. I follow the IC food list and started by taking Prelief with every meal and that went ok, I could have chocolate every day (I can’t live without it), but still had pain some days. Then I added drinking 1 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate powder (baking soda) in a bit of water prior to breakfast and that helped too (you shouldn’t do this if you have high blood pressure, mine is extremely low), and the best of all was later adding a 200 mg. capsule of Valerian root to every meal (so 3 times a day). Here is when I noticed a true difference, the pain was diminishing weekly. First I could sort of feel the pain, then some days, then less, then only when urinating, now I only have an urge to pee if I wake up in the middle of the night. I think that in another month I won’t even have that. I do watch what I eat, but I’ve had a tomato pasta at someone’s home, jalapeño peppers that are a total no-no for me, bbq sauce, all without pain, but I try this rarely. I did have pain one day on vacation when I had a custard that had artificial sweetener. I do have to watch out and remind myself to drink water, to pee and not hold it in, but I can say that I can do anything: travel, golf, drive for hours, etc. I hope this can help you.


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