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IC question
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Published: 16 y

IC question

One year ago I was diagnosed with a severe UTI. It hurt so bad I had to go to a walk in clinic and was treated with Antibiotics . I was fine until 2 weeks later I had pelvic pain. I went to my gyno and in the space of 5 months got a pap smear, STD test, an ultrasound, urine test, bladder/renal/pelvic ultrasounds, a pelvic x ray and ALL came back fine. I have never in my life heard of IC, but I always urinated more than most people I know...around once every hr. and a half. Well, I was told by my doctor to go see a urologist. He diagnosed me with IC. However I recently lost my job and there went the healthcare. I never could get the cystoscopy or laproscopy but my doctor said it was most likely IC. Could that bad UTI have caused IC, because that is the only link have. Also, lately there have been more problems. My bowels have been crazy and now I have external hemmorhoids that will not go away which my dr. said could be from Irritable Bowel Syndrome which is related? AND my left vaginal lip is always irritated which my dr. said could be vulvodynia. Are all these really related? My last question is there any natural herbs to help any of this? The pain stops me from doing a lot of my normal activities. I am 27yrs. old and have been with my fiance for 5 years but it's been so bad lately i'm only able to have sex once a month if i'm lucky. This whole thing has changed my life completely and I don't know what to do. Sorry for the long thread but I am new to this and any info would help. Thanks so much for reading and having this great website. It helps to know I'm not alone


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