11 y
Extreme Herx reaction from Diatmaceous Earth
I've been taking DE since March with little to no die-off. I must be a really great salesman because I've convinced at least 7 people to start taking it on a regular basis. No one has had any major side effects until now...
My mother started taking 1 tsp twice daily for the past 2 days. Yesterday she was very tired and started feeling UTI symptoms. She did no sleep much last night ( full moon, btw) . This morning she woke with a 102 fever and full-blown UTI. She went to the Dr and is now off DE and taking Cipro and AZO. I'm very concerned because the intensity of the Herx reaction signals to me that her body is heavily toxic to begin with. I worry the Cipro is the very last thing she should be putting in her body right now.
She is 69 yrs old, has high blood pressure (meds for that), eczema, inability to absorb calcium so she must take mega-doses of Vit D. Gallbladder was removed in her early 30's. Sleep apnea (uses cpap). Severe allergies (sinus) and is prone to sinus infections which take a very long time to clear.
I suspect
parasites and candida overgrowth.
Any advice with regards to the Cipro and inability to handle DE?
She's very traditional and loves MDs/allopathics. My guess is she's been on
Antibiotics at least once a year for the past 30 years. :(
I feel guilty that I convinced her to try DE. I know it was working, but the side effects were too great to bear and now she's probably worse off than before.