Study of Colloidal Silver :
Proof that Colloidal Silver (CS) Kills Fungus! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Final Proof
Photos from the University of North Texas prove CS totally kills massive numbers of candida & bacteria in minutes.
"Inhalation of Silver Nanoparticles Results in "Miraculous" Protection Against colds, flu, pneumonia and other upper respiratory infections... Dr. Marcial-Vega says there are no concerns about using this treatment because Colloidal Silver has no toxicity and no side effects if used intelligently. He has used the colloidal silver nebulizer treatments on infants, the elderly, and AIDS patients with pneumonia and has seen great results. All have responded quickly to the treatment even when no other approach seemed to help - and no one reported any adverse reactions.... Many people have used a simple nebulizer to aerosolize colloidal silver and inhale it into the lungs in order to stop serious upper respiratory infections dead in their tracks. " This excellent medical report will dispel any and all doubts.