Hi, sorry I didn't see your reply until just now. I'm not on day 23. I haven't had any skin rashes. In fact, my skin is so clear and soft. My mouth tasted awful for a while. Then it was pretty clear, then two days ago it got really bad again.
I tell very few people I'm fasting, only those in my life who must because they live with me.
My weight. I haven't weighed myself since day one. I have gone down two dress sizes, however. When I fast in a longer fast, I tend to average about a pound a day of weight loss, plus a few more than that, maybe 3-5. You can then expect to gain about 5 back in the first few days because it's water weight. I encourage you to watch as many Loren Lockman of the Tanglewood Center's youtube videos as you can, particularly about breaking the fast. I'm happy to answer any questions, if I can.