Liver Flush & Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Cure, Iodine
Address PCOS by changing your diet, flushing your liver, and imroving your bowel flora.
Once you restore your bowel flora to normal, and once you make your liver work the way it is suppose to, your body will fix the rest.
Are you eating any junk food?
Processed food containing
sulfites ,
sorbates ,
benzoates , fosfates,
nitrites ,
nitrates ,
citrates ?
Research also juice fasting (vegetable juices).
By going on juice fast, you can quickly rstory many of the body problems, as you will eliminate from your diet most of the junk, and possibly wheat and other grains that are making you sick.
Anyway, cleansing liver is the priority, as it is liver that is suppose to filter your blood, and remove excess hormones from your blood.
Learn about
Iodine and how to use it to bring your hormones to normal.
More info:
Check also
Iodine forums on CureZone.