Every antiparasitic substance causing constipation and intestinal pain
So - I am fighting agains my "inner life" for almost two years now. I do have yeast overgrowth (confirmed by lab tests), that is not going away despite all my efforts.
I have some reasons to believe I do also have intestinal parasites, however, they do not show in tests. I had them as a kid (pinworms and ascaris). I suspect it might be something bigger now - I feel as it runs away when exposed to meds or enema
The problem is that every time I try to fight it (I repeat antipasitic protocol once a month for two weeks, with different substances) I get constipadet. It happened with meds (like Albendazole), it happened with DE, herbal formulas, garlic... everything. Laxatives do not help in any way - they do cause diarrhea, but I defenetily feel the blockage and the amount of stool suggest, that there is still much more left inside than comes out.
For me it is kind of proof that there is somethenig larger living inside of me (ascaris nest? tapeworm?). Am I thinking right? Is there anyway to get it out?