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Can I do coffee enema/liver cleanse while on humaworm?

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

healthquest9977 Views: 4,082
Published: 11 y

Can I do coffee enema/liver cleanse while on humaworm?

1) I ordered the humaworm, and didn't know it needed to be refrigerated. It sat in my closet for about 2-3 months. Is the last week I've taken useless?

2) can I do coffee enemas/liver cleanse at the same time? I have so far. I'm very toxic and even doing tons of detox stuff I've been maxed out (even w/o taking humaworm) I have tons of die off daily and have to rest for 3-4 hours usually, rashes, etc.


I've had horrible anxiety (panic attacks that were extreme) and candida for a couple of years, which didn't improve at all w/ a strict 8 month candida diet. On top of that I recently got nervousness/pounding heart most of the day, which I've read is a parasite symptom, along w/ many other parasite symptoms I have....(teeth girding, nighttime drooling, insomnia, huge bloated stomach, stomach pain, etc.) I did my first coffee enema and things came out that looked like they could be parasites...

So I realized I probably have parasites.

For the last 8 months I've had horrible die off constantly (even w/o taking any antifungals or humaworm)...I could only take maybe 1 oregano oil or something a day and I'd have to sleep for 3-4 hours, and I'd be extra anxious/brain fog, so I felt my liver was overly toxic. I started doing saunas, coffee enemas, etc...

I briefly tried food grade hydrogen peroxide, but only did 25 drops once day (not 3 times, because my die off was too intense). Worked up to that and did it for about a week. But the die off was too extreme. I stopped.

Even stopping the h202 totally, the anxiety (pounding heart/nervousness) was worse, so I decided to try the humaworm.

I've taken it for 6 days (and pounding heart reduced!!), I had a day of crying spells and depression, and then a day of no pounding heart/feeling positive!

but am worried because

1) Is it not as effective because it wasn't refrigerated?

2) I've been taking a liver cleanse AM/PM all 6 days at same time as humaworm doses (it has amino acids and milk thistle, etc.)....and I've done a coffee enema probably 4 times in the last 6 days -- this has helped me cope (since just 1 anti fungal normally overwhelmed me and I'd have to stop taking anything for a couple weeks before I could function again)...can I keep doing this, or does this make the humaworm not effective? (I read on this forum you don't recommend this, but I'm so toxic I fear I won't be able to take the humaworm at all w/o doing this?)

I've ordered a second humaworm just in case the 1st isn't effective for sitting out.

I'm afraid w/o the coffee enemas/liver cleanse I won't be able to take the rest of it. For these 8 months, I've already been doing daily epson salt baths, skin brushing, chlorella, spiralina, charcoal, bentonite clay, green juice, green smoothies, and I still am quite toxic even w/ doing the coffee enemas and liver cleans now I (just got rashes on the backs of my hands, small itchy red bumps).

I think I can feel a worm under my skin, in my nose. A small one. Can it come out my nose? And this is embarrassing, but I felt I had a yeast infection, used some hydrogen peroxide, and a long strand of mucus came out that was 2-3 inches and there was another smaller one and both kind of looked like worms...could you have worms there also?? yikes if so!

Really want to kill these things, but afraid to overwhelm my toxic body.

Please advise. Thank you!!


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