Gut Dysbiosis: The New Normal for U.S. Kids
Gut Dysbiosis: A Common Link Among the Epidemic of Childrens Chronic Illnesses
First, lets discuss the numbers behind this epidemic: How many kids did you know when you were growing up that had autism, ADHD, acid reflux, allergies, asthma, developmental delays and/or mental health issues?
I knew of only ONE child with any one of these in the whole time I went to school from elementary school to high school. Now that I am a mom, I can tell you that its the rare child who does NOT have any chronic illnesses. The statistics for todays kids are staggering:
1 in 6 African-American children has asthma; 1 of every 8 children has it
1 in 5 children has allergic eczema
2-3 out of every 5 children have hay fever
1 in 3 children has a food intolerance; 1 in 12 under the age of 4 has a true
food allergy
1 in 80 children has celiac disease
1 in 10 children is diagnosed with ADHD
1 in 50 children has autism
1 in 30 kids has severe mood dysregulation, such as bipolar disorder
1 of every 30 kids has depression
1 in 100 children has obsessive/compulsive disorder
Having any one of these conditions is the new normal.
And guess what? All of these illnesses are related. At their core, each and every one of these children with these illnesses has gut dysbiosis.
What Is Gut Dysbiosis?
So what is gut dysbiosis? Its where the balance of flora in the intestine is tipped towards having more bad bacteria, yeasts and
parasites than good. Many things can cause gut dysbiosis, among them:
Inheriting it from your mother because she had gut dysbiosis when she gave birth to you
Inheriting it from your mother because she received
Antibiotics while she was in labor with you
Being born via C-section
Antibiotics (or having a mother who did so)
Taking birth-control pills (or having a mother who did so)
Taking cortisone or other anti-inflammatory drugs (or having a mother who did so)
Drinking chlorinated water (or having a mother who did so)
Using anti-bacterial soap or sanitizer (or having a mother who did so)
Eating added
Sugar or even sweeteners such as honey (or having a mother who did so)
Eating processed foods such as breads, cereals, crackers, cookies, pastries, cakes and candy because they essentially break down into
Sugar and/or have high levels of added
Sugar (or having a mother who did so)
Eating too many fruits (or having a mother who did so)
Eating too much high-glycemic fruit such as tropical fruits (bananas, mangos, pineapples, etc.) and dried fruits. Dried fruits, like raisins and dates, have very high concentrations of sugar (or having a mother who did so)
Eating vinegar and vinegar-brined foods (or having a mother who did so)
Eating non-organic meats from animals that have been given
Antibiotics (remember, you eat what they eat)