Throath infection, sinus infection, ear infection, broken ear drum and kidney failure
Good evening, my husband experienced sereious infection in past days and i very much pray if some kind soul can help. I have
It all started with burning troath, then my husband make nasal wash(destiled water, soda bicarbonate, hymalayan salt) as we thought that the troath my be infected due some mucus coming from the sinus. (we have moved five years ago from Europe to Kenyan coast where is extreme humidity, dust
parasites and mold everywhere. We plan to move back to europe as soon as my husband recovers.) That is why we thought he might have some mucus from mold or dust in sinus. He is also not tolerating very good milk and the day before it all started he had like one liter of yogurt, althoug home made. After the nasal wash he got extreme sinus pain and sinus infection. We do not go to doctors here as they always gave us a lot of antibitics every time we had some small flu, most likely due to mold in the house where we lived earlier. The doctors here realy broke our healt earlier, untill i found this forum and learned about candida and how to live healthy and we started to avoid them and helñed our selfs with good homemade food. Aple cidder, soda bicarbonate and so on.
Unfortunately the sinus developed to very bad ear infection. He was in extreme pain and started to use many painkilers, 10 ibuprophens, 5 diclofenac and he went also for voltaren injection as the pain was very bad. We hoped it will heal on its own but the next day the pain was unberable as the ear drum broked and he had pus with blood coming out of ear. He lost apetite, got fever and on the end we decided to go to hospital.
The doctor did not make any blod test, just look into his which was filled with pus and gave him zinnat
Antibiotics . After 2 days using them nothing has changed. He was still in pain with a lot of pus going out of the ear. On the 3rd day of using
Antibiotics he started to swell on face very much, was dizzy and started to vomit.
We came with complain back to the doctor who again just look into his ear without any test and just said he will have to Give him stronger
Antibiotics . We did not like it and said we rather stay with the zinnat he gave him initialy and waith few days.
After we left from the hospital we decided to check with different doctor who had more comon sense and made full blood test(liver test:albumin 27.7, total protein 59.47, renal profile:creatinine 203.81, c reactive protein 145.90mg/l, blood count: wbc 13, Mo 1.8, gr 8.9, Mcv 73.2,Mch 25.2,Pdw 8.1) by this time my husband was swolen very much on face, hands, could not urinate and was vomiting. This new doctor said his kidney gland was blocked by painkilers and we need to stop infection. As my husband was vomiting all the water and antibitics, the doctor gave him antibiotics into vain and said it will be the best to go to hospital over night and monitor water intake and outake. We did not want go there very much as it would be coming back to the first doctor who just gave him the first
Antibiotic without checking and was even so stupid that in that stage as my husband was with failing kidney he wanted to give him stronger antibiotics! We were very scared but as it is the only hospital in Diani beach of better standard we went there for overnight rather. The same doctor who prescribe to my huband the antibiotics, although he new that my husband canot pee, load him with 1liter of dextrose infusion and 1 liter of saline, next day my husband was so swolen and had more 10kg as he usualy has. I guss the doctor got scared and send us to kidney specialist to Mombasa. My husband urinated very litle and the doctor said he does not want his kidney will shut compleatly. I wish he wluld beter educated in his pfofesion and made a proper test and sugest this initionaly instead of playing on a healer. I guess it woul safe my husbend pain and stress.
The new doctor in Mombasa seems to have a lot of experiens with kidnyes and made a number of tests and diagnosed my husband with post infectious glomerulonephritis. They made also ultrasound and kidneys were all right. The strategy was to give my husband lover dose of intravenous antibiotics-meron, lasex to help remove water, adalat 60 to lover heart blood preasure which was high and antiestamine caled xethro.
My husband was on limited water regime in order to stop swelling and we were monitoring how much urine comes out. The second day my husband start to feel better. He also managed to pee some 200ml. I started to give him high doses (3000mg a day) of buffered vitamin c from calcium ascorbate with citrus bioflavonoids, rose hip powder and acreola powder, i am giving him also echinacea, milk thistle - both in 65percent alcohol, flexseed oil and also chlorela with broken cell wals. Today i started to give him herbal duretic mixture made of taraxacum oficinale+solidago virgaurea+agathosma betulina+potasium gluconate. Itis in 43percent alcohol. I hope it is ok. And also some indian organic herbs wit phillantus niruri, boerhaavia diffusa and picrorhiza kurroa. Here i do not get burdoc root or parsley root. He is also eating since 2 day mercurius homeopathic remedy.
By now, it is the 3rd day in Mombasa hospital and my husband is almost unsvolen, feels much better, peed almos a liter. The doctor came and said his creatinine is 195 and he wants to give him steroid called methylprednisolon.
I am very woried why and if we should do it. It seems like the body is recovering, but i donot want to wait or risk like with the initial infection of the troath.
I have also found online something what is called post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis. I am not sure if this is conected, but my wounds-small cuts get ver badly infected, with lot of pus and healing over a month. It is very painful, i have seen online something called mrsa or impetigo. I have it only on hends on one knee. The gland will always get ver swolen and painful as the wounds start heal. I have increased garlic intake, i eat high doses of vitamine c an 15mg zink.
Please can somebody help? I write from the hospital and we need to make decision if to take the steroids.
Thank you very much for any help! I apologize for any mistakes in the writing:-(to much stress and litle sleep.