this might help you i read this from dr natasha campbell's book; parasites cause inflammation/histamine, inflammation taxes the adrenal glands > the adrenal glands deploy cortisol> cortisol=anxiety. parasites also excrete waste that is inflammatory. heart issues/rhythms come from die off or from regular inflammatory pathogens in the gut. microbes in the gut cause histamine to be released which lowers the blood pressure which causes heart palpitations/anxiety ect. for women especially on the second half of their menstral cycle their will be high levels of progestrone in the blood which ALSO decreases the immune system along with cortisol to cause pathogens/ parasites to run crazy. so to up the blood pressure, do a coffee enema to clear toxins and lower histamine response or any other toxin clearing technique. pathogens/parasites eat whatever we eat, but try not to eat high Sugar foods because that will cause pathogens to excrete high waste in your blood causing higher histamine response. so the fact is die off or pathogens/parasites in general will cause heart/anxiety issues.