Re: Minerals and the cognitive
"Relationships between men and women and sodium salts (natrium)
An important aspect of life is the mating of the sexes. Through this process nature provides the necessary conditions for the procreation of humankind. Through this relationship children will be born. With the birth of children a family is created to provide them with the necessary protection until they grow up and become self-sufficient.
Sodium salts are suitable for individuals that place great importance in relationships and companionship. In other words, they are recommended for those that either consume a great deal of energy to this end or for those whose insecurities lie in this area. Therefore, sodium salts are recommended for those individuals whose insecurities revolve around their relationships.
Information on some sodium salts is given below:
The Natrium Muriaticum types experience disappointment in the relationship. Namely, they are afraid of being disappointed in the relationship or have been greatly disappointed by their love life in the past.
The Natrium Phosphoricum types have the persistent feeling of not being loved in the relationship.
The Natrium Sulphuricum types have the persistent feeling of not being appreciated in the relationship.
The Natrium Iodatum types believe that they will be abandoned by their partner and do everything to avoid it.
The Natrium Bromatum types feel abused in the relationship.
The Natrium Bichromicum types get easily hurt in the relationship.
The Natrium Carbonicum types feel unable to cope in the relationship.
The Natrium Arsenicosum types feel extremely suspicious in the relationship, unable to trust, and believe their partner to be selfish and deceitful.
The Natrium Nitricum types have a constant sense of some unidentifiable danger in the relationship and they believe that something fatal will happen to their partner.
The Natrium Fluoratum types feel unsatisfied in the relationship. Therefore, there is a constant struggle within them to break it up.