Deep indeed. I was hoping to lead you astray, into the spirit of the elements. A different view on the halogen imbalance. My youngest son was a typical "iodine type" from when he was new born. I was deficient.
"Abandonment and iodine compounds
Iodine compounds are recommended for those who fear abandonment. These individuals perceive any distancing from another as abandonment, and for this reason they want to constantly keep their loved ones in close proximity. Hence, if some parents describe their child as wanting to constantly be with them and that he or she will not let them go out without him/her, the child’s deeper insecurity is the fear of being abandoned by the parents. As a matter of fact, abandonment is a popular theme in children’s fairy tales.
Abuse and bromine compounds
Bromine compounds are recommended for individuals that have been abused during childhood or who fear that they will be abused. These individuals are very frightened. They are constantly afraid that they will be abused by others. Sometimes their fear of abuse drives them to reproduce violence. It is very common for abused children to grow into violent adults that abuse others.
The need for immediate fulfilment of needs and fluorine compounds
Fluorine compounds (fluoricum) are recommended for dissatisfied, insatiable individuals, with increased needs and incessant demands for immediate satisfaction of their needs. They often feel that there is nothing that could satisfy them. When frustrated they can become aggressive.
Easy disappointment and chlorine compounds
Chlorine compounds are suitable for individuals that are easily disappointed or that fear they might be disappointed in their relationships with others. Their fear of disappointment makes them introverted."
-The old homeopaths knew their chemistry, they actually tested the substance on themselves, in physical form first, then they started the diluting. Dilute Dilute, the saying of V.:)
One should think they would hurt themselved, ingesting even arsenic, mercury, lead. But they knew how to antidote the reaction. They knew their antagonist too. And the cure.
So, back to the halogen imbalance of today; alkali metal imbalance etc. It shows not only on the physical level, but on our psyche as well. The dissatisfaction, the abuse, emotionality, agression etc of today. A result of a deficiency or an overload, wrong ratio of the elements.
Because very few "doctors" of today know their chemistry.