Re: Asthma could be a lung fungus
Many years ago -- 35, to be precise -- I swam in mucky warm pond and got an ear infection. (I had chronic ear infections until I was 30is.) I think that this is when some of the sinus issues began. A doctor told me about
Antibiotics and yogurt -- this was 1979 -- and it sounded very interesting. I also began wondering about my muddled brain at the time. I kept thinking I had aphasia, which sounded interesting. The nurse was giving me B12 shots, and that helped, but then the MD pulled the hysteria card and sent me to a shrink. I never really considered the relationship between my blood
Sugar issues, chronic sinus and ear infections, and G1 Problems until I got to an age where I was no longer managing. I gradually became allergic to more and more things until I was diagnosed with Lupus (wrongly) and tried gluten free. But that wasn't far enough. It took me another four years to eliminate all grains. (When I eat grains, I have blood
Sugar crashes. I have found an explanation of this that relates to candida. I believe there is some connection to irregular heart beats as well, which I also have. And then the GI. I still feel like I have some sort of fungus in my ears. Oh, on my face, it's clearly malassezia, and I think in my ears, that's what it is.