Re: Please help. Psoriasis flaring after cleanse
I would wait for the two-week mark, at least. It probably won't hurt to do it this weekend if that is the most convenient time for you, though. Remember to prep properly. It's not complicated. Avoid fats and heavy proteins for a couple of days before the flush day. Drink some sour cherry juice for a few days. Set yourself up for success.
Don't fret too much on the number of stones. One of my most successful flushes produced only a pile of tan floating sludge that burned like hell on the way out.
Just don't get so impatient that you are flushing every week in hopes of hurrying things along. It doesn't work that way.
You'll probably begin to notice changes about the third or fourth or fifth flush, and they will likely be in areas you are not intensely focused on. Right now you can only think of your psoriasis, and that is understandable. But it developed over a long time and won't disappear or even improve overnight.
Try to live life the best you can, flush every few weeks, and trust your body to heal itself.