They're all colloidal solutions. Though we've found ways to make different types. ie, Ionic or Metallic or Particle. The ionic is what most people make at home using batteries etc. Though there are claims that this can be converted to metallic using additives and/or heat. However, it remains that these home-brew conversions do not measure up to the chemical properties of the so-called true metallic or particle silver made using the HVAC methods. And so I'm not entirely sold on such claims myself.
Whatever the case, it looks as though all of the products made at home using DC generators make colloidal solutions of one form or another.
Hope this helps.
PS. the term "True Colloidal Silver " seemed perpetuated by Colloidal Silver sellers who tried to re-invent the wheel so as to create a nich for their products. Which would include though not limited too, the so-called metallic or particle solutions.