Hello Webster, I am somewhat of a novice about possible cancer cures, but found your protocol very interesting. From the little I've read about cancer in general, I think MSM and/or DMSO should be always be considered in any cancer treatment.
I wanted to also get your input on some ideas I've had about possible cures/aides for cancer that seem to not be getting any attention. I have been reading that one method in which cancer spreads is by serine proteases and thus, inhibitors of serine proteases have been proposed as way to stop cancer from spreading. Candida overload has been found in a significant % of cancer patients and candida utilizes serine proteases to colonize. Candida is a type of fungus and the mineral boron is known anti-fungal (ie. Borax). The minerals boron (low-toxicity, anti-fungal & radiation guard) and magnesium (calcium antagonist; candida depends on calcium) have been shown to be serine protease inhibitors - what are your thoughts about these two minerals in conjunction with your protocol? The microbes you refer to - are they fungus/yeast, bacteria or other makeup?