Re: Myiasis, Morgellons, Lymes, & Skin Parasites: Symptoms, Life Cycles, & Treatment
This part is interesting to me:
"Protrusion of the breathing tube of the larva frequently can be observed with the aid of a hand lens (12); a small white threadlike structure protruding from the lesion (39). Lesions are occasionally accompanied by enlargement of the draining lymph node (12).
The subsequent feeding activity of the larvae at the skin surface rapidly promotes extensive tissue damage, resulting in the development of inflamed, abraded and ulcerated areas of skin with progressive alopecia (hair loss)."
Sometimes I get these strange sores on my skin that don't want to heal, and keep getting bigger. Around the edges of the sores, these tiny white things come up, like what they describe as breathing tubes. I pick them out with tweezers and the sore won't heal until all the little white things are picked out from around the sore. They come up daily, which would make sense if it was a nest of eggs not hatching all at once. I've always assumed they were nests of strongyloides, but now I'm not so sure.
These sores start out with a big pinching feeling and then they start spewing out sand-like crystals, what they are calling "crusting". I have a tiny sore on my upper arm right now, which is trying to get bigger, so I'm going to put topical Ivermectin on it and see if it starts to heal.
I always thought my skin infection was weird, because it didn't have the typical sores like scabies or demodex and it stopped itching at some point. The larvae coming out of my skin were too big to be strongyloides, so I assumed they were scabies, even though nothing else matched.
Geez! I'm just eaten up with everything! That's what comes of living in the country and being unaware of all these
parasites I guess.