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The Concept of the Soul

Terje Toftenes: Where do the souls reside in between the incarnations?

Chris Thomas: Well, if you think of everything as energy, all we do as a soul - the soul is a lump energy, basically, which is Humanoid in form. So the basic form of the soul is Human. And that applies to pretty much every race throughout the Universe.

You know, as much as there is much interest to think of perhaps this insect higher life out there, they don’t exist, not in terms of the consciousness potential of, let's say, a Human Being.

"This Interest in Insect Higher Life - They Don’t Exist!"

"Not in Terms of the Consciousness Potential of a Human Being"

So when we leave the body on death, then there are several options available to us. What most people will do is still believe that they’re alive. And so they will go & create for themselves a region around them where they feel comfortable. So, if you go & see a medium of clairvoyant, for example, and your great aunt Elsie tells you that she is now living in this little cottage with roses around the door & she’s very happy, then that is what that soul has created for themselves, because this is what they believe they will encounter when they die.

And the same applies to hell. People will create a hell for themselves, because that’s where they believe they are going when they die. Hell does not exist, in any way shape or form, other than what the individual constructs for themselves.

And then, you got all the extremes in between. Those who are, shall we say, a little more advanced, who have made a connection with their Higher Self whilst they are still alive. They've recognized that there is no need for these intermediary stages, of either going to hell, or having your little rose covered cottage. And they will communicate directly with the Higher Self & review the lifetime they’ve just completed, and start a plan for the next time of where they choose to go. So, for those souls they will reincarnate very rapidly, if that’s what they choose to do, as appropriate.

Whereas, for those that have gone to the rose covered cottage or to hell, will take a longer period. Because they’ve got to realize that they are actually dead, they don’t need to be living the rose covered cottage, they need to connect with their Higher Self. Or, there is no need for any soul to go to hell. And they can get themselves out of it & recombine with their Higher Self. And then, this planning process will start again.

So, each lifetime is meticulously planned. If you think about what has occurred within a lifetime, so the first thing you have to do is to choose your parents that you’re born to, they have to choose you, how many children you share that childhood with, who becomes your girlfriend / boyfriend, whatever. Who do you marry, who do you not, you know… all these choices you make, to a certain extent, before that lifetime begins. But you can, then, modify it as you go through life, because there are people that you will encounter who you have relationships with, of whatever type. And some of them suit you very well & you hold onto those relationships, even though it’s, perhaps, past its time when you should continue with that relationship. Or, if you decide to leave that relationship prematurely, then your Higher Self turns around & finds you somebody else to have a relationship. So that you learn whatever lessons it is that you need to learn. And this is why it appears to a lot of people that they just keep recycling. You know, a lot of women complain that all they meet are men who are very cruel to them. But until they learn the lesson that they are worth more than the cruel man, then there are going to continue with that cycle until the Higher Self says, “Right, you’ve learned it!” Once the woman turns around and says, “Right, I deserve better than this!” all of a sudden they change & “Prince Charming” turns up.

You know, it’s the same applies to men. Its just that women tend to have more problems along those lines than men do. Whatever the situation or circumstances, our Higher Self is there to guide us & to help us through whatever situation we find ourselves in, whether its very pleasant or whether its traumatic, to help & guide us into where we need to be, where we to go & who we need to be with.

So we are never alone in these things. Its just, unfortunately, because we are use to being so physical. And, you know, children are very, very psychic, they know there is something beyond themselves. But more often than not, it’s the adults in their life, so they literally beat it out of them, and tell them “No, this is imagination, it doesn’t happen.” But if we let those children keep that knowledge, and work with it, then life on Earth would be so much simpler. We would have completed this process of change we’re now undergoing far, far sooner than we are now.

And, of course, the greatest interference within our ability to connect with our Higher Self has been religion. Whatever religion it is, it doesn’t matter which branch of religion it is. All religions are man-made, and they are very limited in their view, and limiting in their view, and restrict people from investigating who they really are & connecting with their Higher Self.

If we hadn’t developed religion, and again there is a very long story behind why we developed religion, but if we hadn’t developed we’d have completed this process of change several thousand years ago. Although, we have a finite time limit on it, there is several points within Human history where we could have undergone this change in anyway. It was anticipated that we would only have taken a couple thousand years at most to do it, but not the full 7,000 years that we have taken.

Bridging Quantum Physics & Spiritual Consciousness

Well, I think quantum physics is doing very well on that at the moment. Certainly, on the principles they are uncovering is that nothing occurs without a choice being made. And, they’re very reluctant to link that into any kind of spiritual concept, because, let’s face it, they’re scientists. And, if you can’t measure it, weigh it, dissect it, then it doesn’t exist. But the quantum physics experiments that are being carried out do show that whatever it is you do has a consequence. And so, as that field is opening up, and people that work in that field are starting to realize that whatever they do has an implication as far as whatever they are observing or creating… then, yes, there’s hope… there is always hope.

And so, I think if people start to look at that, but I mean, its an immensely complex subject. And, even quantum physicists will say that nobody understands everything in quantum physics because its so bazaar in terms of human experience, or at least accepted Human experience. So really, yes, the first place to investigate would be something like quantum physics.

But also, on the other hand, parapsychology is a field which is again opening up, although its been investigated for over a hundred years. The scientists have walked away from it because there are things going on there that they can’t explain. And for somebody with an inquiring mind, when they encounter something that they can’t understand, they tend to walk away from it & ignore it. And if somebody with an equally inquiring mind tries to explore it, then they tend to ridicule them. And so this is the problem we’ve had with fields like parapsychology is its not taken very seriously, or certainly hasn’t been taken very seriously since the late 1800s. Prior to that it was taken very seriously, and there were massive investigations carried out by amateurs & by scientists. Well, it was Anton Mesmer who started it, with his mesmerizing experiments. And showed that within each of us we have a massive psychic potential which mesmerism, or what is now known as hypnotism, is capable of unlocking.

So, if people want to look at these kinds of things that I am talking about, then those would be the two extremes. Or, the best way of investigating would to take a look at quantum physics & what it implies, and also parapsychology. I mean there are many universities around the world who have parapsychology unit.

I mean, I know a lot of people’s idea of parapsychology unit within the university is this sort of image that they have from “Ghostbusters”- the movie, which isn’t very helpful—very entertaining, but not very helpful as far as serious research is concerned. But each of us has a massive psychic potential that is untapped.

So its working with that. If people want to start to unlock what they have within themselves & what their potential is, then those two approaches, those two extremes of approach, would be a good way of beginning, I think. And once they start getting into that & understanding either the quantum physics or the para-psychological side of things, then they’ll find that things start to unlock within them. And they’ll realize there is much, much more to life than the way in which we live it at the moment.

The Nature of Channeling

I can’t really describe it as a problem with channeling, but what happens with channeling is that the one who channels—the channeler—has an ego, and there’s a viewpoint. And very often where channeling is shone to be inaccurate, or incorrect, it has meant that the channeler has imposed their ego or their viewpoint on the message, or the information that they’ve received.

If you can find a channel who does not have that egotistical prospective, then you will find that the information they channel can be very, very accurate, whether its about an individual’s life or whether it’s predictions of future events.

So, its really finding a channel who works in that kind of way, if that’s how you want to investigate it. There’s certainly nothing wrong, in my view, of approaching a channel, if you wish to make contact with a deceased loved one, then its fine, they’re very good at that sort of work, and it can work very well. I know there’s a lot of criticism of it, you know, you go to a clairvoyant or medium and they say, “I got great-aunt Elsie, here, who thinks you’ve painted the kitchen the wrong color”. But to the person that the message is aimed at, that is a perfect message, because it confirms to them that the individual that is speaking to them through the channel is that relative.

As far as anybody else is concerned it’s a complete waist of time, because its not re-inventing Einstein’s theory of relativity. Its not what people want. What people want is confirmation of somebody who they loved in this lifetime is, for want of a better way of putting it, alive & well in the afterlife. And that is what its set up to do.

If you want a new theory of relativity, go & talk to a quantum physicist who actually understands what he’s talking about. And there are very few of those at the moment unfortunately.

Who Are the 35% That Will be Going Through the Transition?

So how do you know which percentage of the population you belong to? Are you the 35% who are going through this change, or the 65% who have chosen not to?

Really, you can only know within yourself. There’s no hard & fast rules. There’s no strong guidelines to point you in the right direction. Its just purely & simply… its a ‘knowing,’ I think, is about the only way I can describe it. The indicators are, I suppose, that you start to view people quite differently to how you’ve viewed them in the past. People who, perhaps, you are friends with, you suddenly have nothing in common with any longer.

I’ve recently been thinking that we’re turning into another form of Human Being, or the 65% is becoming what I would call “Homo Moronis” ("not-so-wise man"), really, because they have no interest in anything other than where they’re going to get their next designer label from. And, that really just is the true reflection. Its those that really want to live in the ‘now’— to understand what is going on, to understand themselves, and to move forwards within themselves — those are the people who make up the 35%. There really isn't any other guidelines or criteria, its purely & simply that inner feeling and a knowing that you’ve made, or you’re beginning to make that transition.

The Connection Between the Soul & the Ego

In comparison of how the ego & the soul, or consciousness, is connected really comes about… how can I put it… I see the two words ‘soul’ & ‘consciousness’ are interchangeable, in anyway, so hopefully, there’s no confusion over that. The soul is the part of us that says “I am, I exist.” And the ego is the part of us that says, “I am This,” in other words it defines who we are. Because the soul exists, purely & simply as a soul, and everything that is encompassed by that soul is contained within it. But the ego, then defines who we are as a Human Being, because the soul doesn’t have an ego. The soul just is, and knows who & what it is, and everything that it is. But the ego turns around and says, “I am a mother, I am, you know, a screen-god, screen-goddess, however you want to put it.

The ego can then lead us into all sorts of problems, usually false situations, because we believe ourselves to be something other than we are. Everybody believes… let’s not say everybody… but most people on the planet believes themselves to be something that is a reflection of how other people see them. And therefore, if people around them believe that they’re ‘wonderful,’ then that ego grows to let them accommodate the concept of being ‘wonderful.’ If people think they’re useless, then the ego shrinks until people believe that they are useless. Then they lose confidence in themselves & their whole lives start to fall apart.

What we need to do is to get to the position where the ego & the soul match each other & they say “I am. I’m not this, I’m not that. Just me being me, whoever that me happens to be.” And, again, that is another indication of the changes that are going on… is the number of people that are just saying “I’m fed up with false facades, I don’t want to wear this false face any longer. That isn’t me. What I am is the person underneath. And, therefore, I am throwing everything off. And if people around me can’t accept that person that is me, then that’s their problem—tough! I don’t want anything more to do with them.”

So that is really where the differences lie is the soul defines who you are — ‘I am.’ And, the ego — “I am This”, whatever the concept of ‘This’ happens to be within the individual.

The Concept of Separation

This concept of separation is a difficult one, because its much more to do with teaching & training, the way in which we are brought up to believe that we are separate. Whereas, in fact, on an individual / Human level, we are not separate from each other, we’re all part of the same thing. And, on a planetary level, again, we are not separate from the planet, we are a part of this planet, the planetary consciousness & all the life we share the planet with.

So, it comes, really, where we have to lay the blame for this concept that we are separate from everything, really, is religion more than anything else. Because for centuries, if not for thousands of years, they’ve taught there is a God who controls everything. And, therefore, we are just a nothing within the whole, because our lives are controlled by this god-like figure, whatever religion it happens to be — they all seem to share the same concepts & teachings. And then we have science who tells us that we’re some kind of chemical machine.

So, this is where… you know, we’ve been brainwashed over the centuries into believing that we don’t need worry about the soul because the church will look after it. And we don’t need to look after the body because medicine will look after it. And so we’ve got into the habit of not taking responsibility for our actions & our capabilities. And so we have become essentially divorced from the whole, because we believe we are divorced from the whole, when in reality — no, we are not.

This is the sort of quantum butterfly concept, isn’t it — you know, an action taken in one place has another action somewhere else. And this is true the world over, and within each individual everything that we do has repercussions with other people & within our lives.

The Origin of Religion

Religion was originally created, or thought about — brought about, however you want to think about it, as a means of informing people, of bringing knowledge to individuals, or to the masses. Religion came about, or what the concept we think of religion came about as teaching lessons as how to work the pyramids.

That’s how religion came about, that is the first form, if you like, of a secret knowledge, but that knowledge could be passed onto individuals where it was necessary. But within that sort of concept & construct of this “secret knowledge” what we then have are individuals who decided to use it for their own purposes. And, essentially, was used as a means for taking power & controlling of a percentage of the population.

And this is how religion has developed or what religion has developed in to, much more than anything else is a means of control. If you look at religious history… if you look at countries that have a number of gods, then generally they tend to be peaceful people. And you won’t find much in the way of wars occurring between groups of people who have multiple gods. If you look at, then, the history of religions that have single gods, that’s where all the conflict arises… you know — “my god is better than your god, and if you don’t believe me, I’m going to kill you!”

And this is the history of most religions is that the conflicts & deaths within… that has occurred within Human history really has come about because of religious differences, rather than anything else. And so religion is a means of power, but it has also been very counterproductive within fulfilling the requirements of the Human Plan. If we didn’t have formal religions, we could have completed the Human Plan, as to say, anything up to 5,000 years ago.

It’s the religions & the religious conflict & the way in which they have taught people to think & to believe that has created the major problems within the Human Plan in completing it.

Recordings of The Human Plan he Nature of Channeling

The Human Plan, really, is something that is formulated & is recorded fully within the Akashic. But there are aspects of it, then, recorded in written material, for example, some of the material found in the Nag Hammadi Scrolls, the Jewish Gnostic traditions—the Kabbalah — even some of the earlier Christian traditions, whole aspects of it. If you look back into the life of Jesus the Christ, for example, then what his teachings really were about were more to do with Kabbalah & Gnostic type knowledge, than it was to do with anything to do with what’s in the New Testament. So much of it is hidden, its because we have dominant religions, then they have suppressed everything that is of real value to people.

I’m not taking this out on one religion in particular, all of them are the same, whichever one you look at. They’ve all gone through similar processes of suppressing knowledge & suppressing information. I mean, if you look at early Christianity, that was all about providing knowledge to people, enlightening people, helping them to understand who they are & their purpose. If you look at early Islamic beliefs, they were exactly the same. Islam, if fact, encouraged knowledge, you know — passing between people. It has just changed over the centuries into this repressive sort of regime.

Really, it’s a very great shame, because the information was there, its just been buried. I mean, if you look at religious tradition, if you didn’t want something discussed, then you made it a sin. And therefore, it was banned. So, if you were discussing something sinful, then, you know, you could be excommunicated by the Church, or even worse — burned at the stake! This is what the witchcraft debacle was really all about, was really preventing another group of people from reaching that kind of knowledge, because that’s all what witchcraft was all about — was an honoring of the Earth & how she works & how we work with the Earth. Instead, of which, we have centuries of persecution against these people — mainly women, to maintain domination by a church.
The same applied to the Cathars, I mean, the Cathars were a group of people who followed the original teachings of Christ. And, really, what they saw as their sole purpose in life was to allow people freedom of choice, whether it was choice of religion, choice of science, choice of belief, or whatever. And they were then totally massacred & wiped out by the Church to prevent them doing this.

So, its really, yes, the one thing that has held humanity back more than anything else is the Church, or a religion, as we should say. And then we started finding the same with science, because science turned around and took on that same kind of role, but from a secular viewpoint, and said “You will only believe what we tell you to believe.” And so, between the two of them, really, have held back humanity by centuries.