Voices of the New Paradigm
Note: the video runs a bit shorter than the mp3 file)
CHRIS THOMAS—Hardwired into the Akashic Record
Interview by Terje Toftenes
(Audio Transcription)
Chris Thomas is a psychic surgeon and author.
From an early age he has been able to gather information from the Akashic.
Chris Thomas: The Akashic is purely & simply a memory. So everything that has ever occurred within this Universe is recorded within that universal source. I suppose you could think of the mind as having various compartments to it, in one way or another. And so what I do is I recognize the compartment that communicates with the Akashic, so I address any questions I have to that compartment. And then it passes out through my Higher Self, and then in return, I get the answer. And its usually fairly instantaneous, I mean, we’re not talking time-lag, here…lol… We talking… I ask the request & the answer is there. Its very rare that it takes more than a couple seconds.
The Concept of Creation
Chris Thomas: Most people think of there being a ‘God’ of some kind, a ‘Creationery Force’, or what the quantum physicists, I believe, call “fields of possibilities” that existed before the “big bang”.
I don’t agree with the “big bang”, because, ultimately, everything within this Universe is planned in terms of who exists within it, what exists within it, and essentially the Universe came about, not only this Universe but all the other universes that there are, came about because this being, this creator, these fields of possibility, asked of itself a question, along the lines of: “What would happen if I did this?”
And, the first question that it asked itself, really, was: “What would happen if I created a space where all of the souls, all of the consciousnesses that inhabited that space had the absolute ‘freedom of choice’ to choose… all of their actions. And this is how our Universe came about is, purely & simply, to explore the ‘What if ?’ of ‘freedom of choice’.
So, the Universe did not come into being with a ‘big bang’ but more what, I suppose, the Catholic Church would describe as ‘Spirituous’, or ‘Divine Breath’—a breath of energy, if you like, into an envelope. So, the Universe itself is not expanding, in the sense that we have an ‘energy bubble’—something shaped very similar to an ellipse that defines the boundaries of this Universe. And within that Universe—within our Universe—it is imbued with the energies that allow all the free moving souls that inhabit this Universe ‘freedom of choice’ to choose whatever action they choose to take. The only limiting factor is, as it were, is that you cannot act in such a way that removes somebody else’s ‘freedom of choice’.
So, all this began roughly 13.8 billion years ago. I can give you the exact date, but I think that is a little bit silly.
The Evolution of the Universe
Terje Toftenes: What did it start with, then, if it wasn’t the ‘big bang’?
Chris Thomas: As I say, essentially, a divine breath—a breath of life into the void that was the universe. And, really the first form of evolution within the universe were those who were those that were capable of building places that others could exist—so, in other words, Galaxies. So, what we’re looking at—and, this is where Cosmology breaks down, as far as I’m concerned—is that everything that exists within the universe is a soul, is a consciousness.
I don’t see any difference between the two terms, only one – really, ‘consciousness’ is a scientific term & ‘soul’ you can think of as being a religious term. But, in as far as my interpretation of them is concerned, then the two terms are interchangeable. So, a soul is a consciousness, and a consciousness is a soul.
So, what we began with, say, roughly around about 13.8 billion years ago, is with the development of very large consciousnesses that we call ‘galaxies’. And within those galaxies, again—a galaxy is really an energy envelope into which other things can work & develop. And so, there was a further stage of development where we have consciousnesses who could become solar systems or individual planets, but mainly a solar system is made of a single consciousness. And it then as an expression of its ‘free choice’ builds planets. So, there is no matter as such within the universe, what we have is an energy, which then coalesces into various forms. And it is the choice of the individual consciousnesses within whatever parameters of energy that they have available to them to construct from that whatever they choose.
So, we began with that process, and that took quite a few million years. And then about 65 million years ago, our solar system decided to form. Now, as part of the ‘freedom of choice’ within this universe, one of the questions asked by the Creationary Source was “Is Human life possible? Is life—what we consider to be physical density—is it possible?
And, therefore, our Solar System chose a spot, if you like, in the middle of nowhere, or the edge of nowhere - I suppose is the middle of nowhere. So we exist in a space that is remote from the rest of the universe. And that was quite a deliberate choice, so that whatever occurred within the universe could occur around us but wouldn’t effect us that much. And at the same time, if things within our Solar System went disastrously wrong, then we wouldn’t effect the rest of the universe, as well.
So, these were the first choices made. And I know they don’t bare any resemblance to scientific time frames for these things, but I have a lot of difficulty with the scientific explanation of how old the Earth is. Bearing in mind that its based on the age of a meteorite which is a theoretical age, in any way, of 4 billion years, which essentially, the meteorite could have come from anywhere within the universe. So, I really don’t think there is much value to the figures that the scientists have put onto this.
But as far as this—to keep track of everything that occurs within the universe so that that which created the universe could learn from the experiences, there is something called the Akashic field. Think of it more as a field, rather than anything else. And, what this Akashic does is to record everything that has ever occurred within this universe.
Now the word ‘Akashic’ is Sanskrit, so its ancient Sumerian and goes back about 8,000 years, or something like that. And as far as the Akashic itself is concerned, all the word ‘Akashic’ means is ‘record’, literally that, nothing else. So its function is purely & simply to record everything that has occurred. Because, after all, if you’re sitting somewhere & you ponder a question, what you are trying to do is to find the answer. And, therefore, this is what this Creationary Source is doing—is trying to find the answer to the question it asked itself. And so, the Akashic acts as a recording device, purely & simply, to record everything that has occurred—all developments that take place, all the choices that individual souls make & how they interact with each other—nothing beyond that.
So that is what this thing called the ‘Akashic’ is about. It’s purely & simply a recording device that allows this Creationary Source to answer the question that it asked. So, everything is recorded within the Akashic, every development that has occurred within the universe, and inevitability within the solar system, & here on Earth, is recorded within it. Its just different levels of recording, essentially.
So at 65 million years ago our solar system first came into being. And in many respects our solar system is unique, because there were originally 13 planets to the solar system, including the sun. And each of those planets is a consciousness in its own right. So, in other words, there is not a solar system consciousness like most of the other solar systems within the universe. Each planet is a consciousness itself, and therefore has infinite choice and creative ability in terms of the energies that it has available to it.
And each of the planets within the solar system began developing in its own way, and chose to develop life that reflected, if you like, the ‘personality’ of the consciousness of that planet. So, in that way, all of the solid planets (rather than the Sun) within our solar system, developed life. And also developed life which you could think of as very similar to human. That was the intention of our solar system, in anyway.
Once the galaxies & solar systems had become established, then roughly 100 million years ago, the first ‘free moving’ souls’ consciousnesses were created for this universe. These ‘free moving’ souls have no physical form or density, but are just purely & simply an energy form—a pure soul energy. In religious terms these are what most people would call ‘angels’. Now these originally started life forms were seeded onto six different planets in various locations around the universe. So you could think of these as being six different races. What the Akashic records them as being is the ‘non physical’ races, its simple terms, but generally speaking, everything is very simple, really, when it comes down to it. And these six non-physical races developed into beings that communicate psychically. They can travel anywhere they choose within this universe. They don’t need craft to do so. They just think themselves somewhere & they travel.
These are what most people would think as ‘angels’, I suspect. And this is where the root of several religious traditions come from. It’s just purely & simply, you have these free moving, free acting souls within the universe who were, for want of a better word, the first created of ‘God’.
But as a half-way stage, between the concept of human physical life & these free moving non-physical beings (pure soul-energy beings), there are also what the Akashic describes as ‘semi-physical’ beings. And these are what most people connect with UFOs and all the rest of it. So these are the ‘Aliens’, as it were. Or, the non-terrestrial biological entities, as the American military now call them. And what you have with these are very diverse range of beings who began life inhabiting seven very diverse planets. And each of them have developed in their own way, and have their own means of transport, essentially. Some of them have been connected with Earth for many millions of years, and others have not been connected with Earth at all.
So, those are the stages of development. To put a time frame on it—roughly 100 million years ago we have the creation of the non-physical races, and roughly 35 million years ago we have the creation of the semi-physical races.
Now, by ‘semi-physical’ what I mean is that they have a physical form & density to each other. But if we had somebody from one of these races standing in front of us in their natural form, then we might detect a presence but we wouldn’t be able to see them, purely & simply, because our brains are just not tuned to the kind of energy frequencies that these are constructed from. But like the six non physical races, these seven have spread throughout the universe, and wherever they’ve found compatible planets, they have settled on & developed. And this is where a huge problem with identification comes in.
I mean, for example, if I immigrated to Australia & took on Australian citizenship, I could call myself Australian. But I am still originally Welsh. So in simple terms, what the Akashic would describe as ‘soul origin’, in other words, the first place where that soul first came into being, then what we have are seven races. But in terms of what these races call themselves, and how they have spread out throughout the various galaxies, then we have something like 50 or 60 potential races, something like that. So, as far as I am concerned, what I do is to stick with ‘soul origin’ because it makes life a great deal simpler.
So, we have these six nonphysical races which are essentially unnamed. But what we have with the semi-physical races are those who have come in contact with people on Earth, and therefore, some are known to us. So, to start with one that most people are familiar with is the Grays, called ‘Zetas’, or whatever people call them these days. These are the classic aliens of being about 1.2 meters tall, gray skin, large black eyes they appear to have. They don’t actually have black eyes. Their eyes are actually yellow with vertical irises. Its just their home world has very little in the way of natural light, and so when they come into contact with light, they wear sunglasses. I know how ridiculous that sounds, but, I mean, essentially, this is what they wear & why so many have been spotted in deep underground cave systems on Earth is because that is their natural environment. They’ve been in contact with Earth many, many, many times. And have been connected with, particularly, the American military for a long time, particularly since the Roswell crash. Although, there were several of the races actually crashed in Roswell, it was the Grays who made primary contact with particularly the American military. It is this race that are responsible for many of the so-called ‘abductions’—human abductions that go on.
Much of that is totally over-hyped. And there is immense amount of information out there proving that really most abductions, or the worst abductions, are actually carried out by the military themselves rather than by the Grays. All the Grays interested in is studying human physiology, because they see the human body as being much stronger & longer lasting than their own, which they’re having a few problems with. And so they’re trying to study the physiology to find out whether they can build for themselves a better body, a stronger, more powerful body. Although there are an awful lot of horror stories about these beings, the reality is that they’re generally benign, they’re generally friendly, and curious more than anything else.
The Greys
The taller ones are essentially a hybrid. And they’re a part of this development program that the Greys have been working on now for, certainly, several thousands of years. And the taller ones seem to be a hybrid between some human genetic structures & the Grey genetic structure. And so it gives them a more powerful body, and a greater range of options in terms of how they move around.
A lot of abductees talk about ‘biological robots’, I suppose is the best way of describing them. And these really are beings that do not contain a soul. So, in other words, they have no consciousness. They are, purely & simply, like a machine—a biological machine that has been developed by the Greys & another race, who I will come onto describe in a minute. But also, again, the military has been heavily involved in the development of these ‘biological robots’, for whatever reason. I mean, you know, its very difficult to sort of really work through what the military motives are for an awful lot of things they do.
But I mean the Roswell crash for example, as I understand it, was caused by the switching on of very similar magnetic force generators that they used on the American ships that they tried in the second World War—the USS Philadelphia, where they tried using magnetic generators to take the ship off radar, only to discover that the ship disappeared, basically, and most of the crew were killed by this action. They used similar generators at Roswell to test radar system to see what it would do. And there would appear to be a number of ships from different races watching what was going on with this. And as the drive systems of all of these craft are based on electromagnetic forces, then by switching on a massive magnetic field it literally made these ships fall out of the sky. So, you know it was a major problem as far as these NTBEs were concerned, but I suppose a triumph as far as the military were concerned.
posted by turiya