I agree, it is an excellent site. Though, i often feel discouraged with the reading material. It's very scientific and extremely boring. It's good stuff when one discovers the myth. After that, there's really nothing else they talk about. One of the problems i believe with the mentioned site, are the scientest, journalist and all the other "professional" dissidants who seek general information. Meanwhile, the real "dissidant" is craving for health. What we really need are professional people who talk about nutrition, supplements, vitamins, juicing, diet, and how to overcome all the side effects of meds, including facial loss and mental wellness. They concentrate too much on the outside I often have to link to drbass.com or drmercola for general nutrition questions. Anyway, that's just my point of view. Otherwise, if your looking to resolve some pending health issues stay with curezone If you desire scientific and law clarity they are probably the best site for that.