I understand your pain, you are not alone.... yes it is a worm parasite, they attack your muscles,lungs, neck, back, heart and brain, it is deadly.... but it can be gone in 90 days or less..... buy humaworm treatment.... in meantime i am ordering mine in next few days for whole family.... you can beat it with diet alone... but is a hard diet(1 month in ), dont eat bread, potatoes, no sugar... coffee... certain spices kill them off... ginger , garlic, cumin, . I have been treating mine for a month now and feel 10 x better. If you need any help let me know and i will share what has saved my life. I almost had a heart attack from these at age 35.. and i never could breath.. call me if u want advice and resources. Roy 740 405 5418.. I will keep you in prayer..