I am desperate for an answer to a question,
I have been supplementing with Iodoral 12.5mg 1 tab per day for 9 months with Dr brownstein protocal, with very good results on my health. it has improved dramatically in so many ways. However my blood test results now show my TSH has elevated from 1.8 up to 8.2 , and my T4 has dropped from 19.5 to 13.5 but is still within range. also antibodies are present apparently. my doctor tells me I am subclincal hypothyroid and to stop Iodine immediately, but it has helped me so much I dont know what to do and no doctors in Wales (where I live) have got the slightest idea about Iodine suplementation. Should I stop the Iodine ? am i inducing hashimotos?
I really hope you can help me. many thanks