Re: Parasites/ worms
Please help - sorry about the gross pics
Hi Kpup,
The object which is shown in your images are not any type of worm, but the tests you report showing unknown
parasites could mean the lab discovered something belonging to wide variety of zoonotic parasites. Digestive problems are often related to something which has evaded your natural immune responses and causes symptoms.
Many things need to be ruled out before one can assume
parasites are the primary cause.
Of course, given the fact clinical medicine has serious limitations where diagnostics are concerned,it is easier to presume
parasites exist causing health complications, and move toward standard treatment protocols.
I would search for information which narrows down the specifics of the symptoms you suffer, then close in on the closest causal possibility. From there, see what others are trying and favor the people who report good results.
It sucks not to have a bang-on answer to your questions, but the fact remains even the best in the field can hardly keep up with emerging zoonosis.