Re: anal fungus with odor
Glad I found this forum.
I believe I contracted a fungal infection from my wife and seemed to have nurtured it over the years until my stool started to smell pretty bad (mildew-ie). The fungal smeel was so bad it was starting to make my breath smell bad. The doctor didn't know what I was talking about, so I had to research myself. I figured out over the years that
Sugar is bad for this condition. Alcohol turns to sugar. Ok, I'm trying to keep this simple. I like(d) sweets and drinking so I had to make some adjustments to my lifestyle.
Someone suggested a colonic. GREAT advice. They work wonders! Can't say enough good about them. But the condition will come back over time.
Probiotics and yogurt are good to to keep you in balance, but I hate to smell of yogurt and probiotics are not natural BUT can get you 'in the pink' quickly.
I also found and enzyme that helps...Candex. When the stool starts to smell a bit fungal, I know I'm out-of-balance. Pop 2 first night then follow up with 1 for next 10 nights. Works great. Sometimes a night of drinking more than two drinks can take me out-of-balance. I have Candex to keep me in line.
Careful, the enzyme could breakdown/counteract the probiotic. Another reason to not take probiotics.
Doctors are great, but I still wonder why they call their business "A practice." Bottom line here. Find out what makes your condition worse and minimize it. Take charge of your own health.